Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
St Scholastica’s School

Social Justice

‘Love one another as I have loved you.’ John 13:34.

Every year we celebrate international day where the children come to school dressed in traditional clothing from their country and parents bring in food to share with others. We are extremely proud of our multi cultural school. God has blessed us with a rich cultural diversity and we take every opportunity to celebrate our heritage.

‘Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord! ‘ Psalm 117:1-2
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At the beginning of the year, the children were encouraged to make boxes all about themselves. They could fill the boxes with artefacts, pictures or any items that told us a little about themselves. At St Scholasticas, we are devoted to ensuring are children are proud of thenselves and their heritage. We take every oppourtinity to celebrate our diversity. God made us all different and unique and he would want us to celebrate that.
Each year on the third Monday of January we observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and reflect on the work that still needs to be done for racial equality. We usually do a special creative project to record our learning and we also join together with an assembly or collective worship about Dr Martin Luther King Junior.
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Each year we remember the life of Stephen Lawrence on the 22nd of April who tragically died in a unprovoked racist attack. We remember the life of Stephen Lawrence by learning about his legacy and his mums mission. Baroness Lawrence wants to bring about:
* Making the community a better and safer place
* Being more tolerant of each other
* Being more inclusive
* Understanding how your small actions can make big changes

With God’s commandment of “Love thy neighbour as thy self” guiding us and Stephen Lawrence inspiring us we designed posters on ways we can be activists for change and encourage tolerance between all people.
We invested alot of resources in buying diverse books for each year group which are representative of our school poplulation. We ensured that we inolved parents and children in the selection of these books. We bought a set of new picture books for each class. We also selected 20 must read books for each class and set up a reading around the world challenge for the children.
Every May, we do a diversity dictionary challenge where the children learn a different word each day to do with diversity and inclusion so that our pupils are educated and know their rights.
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We have worked really hard to diversyify our curriculum especially in literacy, history, geography, art and music. Each class is linked to a different continent and the children learn about some history or geography from that continent in Spring term 2. In summer 1, each class learns about black history linked to Hackney. In Autumn Term 1, children in KS2 learn african drumming and dance and at the end of the term they put on a concert. We celebrate black british history throughout the year with different events including history day and Windrush day. We learn about Black activists and hereos and we write about them in our literacy lessons.
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I am sure many of you will have witnessed and felt deeply saddened by the death of George Floyd on 25th May 2020. What happened to George Floyd highlights the ongoing racism and inequality encountered by people of color every day in America, in our country and throughout the world.
Whilst on Earth, Jesus gave us a new commandment: ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ John 13:34. When we think about what happened to George Floyd, it is
impossible for us, as followers of Jesus, to remain silent. Put quite simply, Black Lives Matter and when we witness anything that contradicts Jesus’ teaching, we must join together in solidarity as a whole community to educate our children. We want to spend every day educating ourselves and our children about equality.