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Parent Survey
June 2024
Parent Religious Education Survey
Jan 2023
Our survey highlighted 68% of parents felt 'I am invited to be involved in the prayer life of the school.'
At St Scholastica's the prayer life of the school includes:
- Masses in the Church (Start/End of the Year, Feast days, Holy Days of Obligation, Leavers Mass, St Scholastica’s Feast Day)
- Services and liturgies (Crowning of Our Lady, Advent Service, Blessing of the Bambinellis, Rosary services in May and October, Class Collective Worship)
- Celebration events (Dancing and Drumming Performamce, International Evening, St Scholastica's Got Talent)
- Assemblies (Whole Class and weekly celebration assemblies)
We post all of the events on Class Dojo. Our new website also has a calendar and events can be found here:
We warmly invite and encourage parents to be part of this. So this New Year, why not try something new and pop along to the many events the school holds throughout the year!
What our parents said in June 2024...
'Amazing school that also support the parents.'
'My only comment would be that I pray and hope the my children encounter this level of professionalism, dedication, support and excellence in all their educational paths in live.'
'As with my comment regarding my younger child, I pray and hope that my child will find this level of excellence in all educational institutions he will encounter through out his life time. This school should be celebrated for the level of excellence they display throughout the years. I feel blessed to have found this school.'
'Not at this time, but I am satisfied with the way the school is been managed.'
'Continue your hard work and thanks for teaching our children.'
'I love the school, the teaching techniques is top-notch.'
'Its also building children spiritually.'
'Just keep improving on your best practices so far'
'Keep the flag flying high'
'A very supportive community'
'Child is really enjoying reception and is happy and confident'
'This school is like one big happy community we are proud of our school and teachers and pupils and parents'
'Everything is very good.'
'We’re happy. Very good school communication is on point. Kids really happy and that’s what matters.'
'Thank you for your care and support'
Your child's learning
We comunicate what the children will be learning at the start of every term. Teachers record a short film, explaining:
-the topics that will be taught
-behaviour exectations
-homework including reading
-how parents can support at home
-how to raise a concern
Films are shared via Class Dojo and they are also availbale on the class pages of the website.
Additionally, a 'Curriculum Booklet' is sent home at the start of every term. As well as including the information listed above, the bookets also contain weekly spelling lists for the term.
Remember the school's primary communication tool is Class Dojo. Please make sure you have downloaded the app. We also use emails and texts, please make sure you give us your most up to date phone number and eamil address.
Miss Cousins is our SENCO and she has overall resposibity for SEND across the school.
Children who have a EHCP or who receive SEN support have their own indidual support plans. A copy should be sent home each term. Support plans are reviewed on a termly basis by Miss Cousins and your child's class teacher. If there is anything on child's support plan that you would like to discuss, please make an appoint to see Miss Cousins.
If your child has SEND and you would like to discuss their learning please speak with Miss Cousins or your child's class teacher.
The staff of St Scholastica's share high expctations for our children. The is referenceed in our Super Skills. Super skills are the skills needed to do well in our learning and to succed in life.
Children are taught about each of the skills all the way through the school, they form our core valsues and they are refecled in our school vision and misson statement.
Each week, children who demonstrate these skills nominated for a Headteacher's Award.