Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
St Scholastica’s School

FGM - what is it and what is the law?

FGM is a crime in this country. All staff at St Scholastica's are committed to working with outside agencies to ensure that our children are safe and their needs are put first. 

'FGM is carried out for a number of cultural, religious and social reasons.  Whilst some families and communities believe that FGM will benefit the girl in some way, such as preparing them for marriage or childbirth, it is a harmful practice, that is not required by any religion and there are no health benefits.' (NSPCC)

There is a government and diocesan requirement that children about taught about the illegal practice of FGM in schools. Children will be taught in an age appropriate way and there is a staggered approach to the kinds of information they receive.

Lessons on FGM are delivered as part of our PSHE curriculum through a programme called 'Life to the Full'. This programme has been specifically written for children in Catholic schools and is supported for use in schools by the Catholic Diocese of Westminster. 

There are two ways in which you can learn about the content being taught:

  1. Come along to our parent information on Friday 2nd February after Celebration Assembly. There will be a short talk from Mrs Brierley, an opportunity  to review the resources and ask questions. 
  2. View the resources by visiting the Ten:Ten website and looking at the resources for yourself.  Login details are as follows: 
Username: st-scholastica-e5
Password: wapping-dock
The Life to the Full programme offers schools the opportunity to include teaching on FGM at KS1, LKS2 and UKS2, can be found in Module 2: Created to Love Others as part of Unit 4: Keeping Safe
An outline of the teaching content in the diffrent year gruop can be found below:  

Reception - This session does not mention FGM, but introduces children to the idea of bodily privacy and the importance of talking to their ‘special people’ if anything troubles them.

Year 1 and 2 - This builds on the learning in Reception about bodily privacy. Children will gain a basic understanding of when touch is appropriate or inappropriate, and the importance of talking to trusted adults about anything concerning them.
Year 3 and 4 - Builds on KS1 learning to consider more deeply what physical contact is appropriate and inappropriate. Children are introduced to the term ‘abuse’ and discuss different kinds of abuse. Children are invited to think of trusted adults that they can talk to about any issues they may face.
Year 5 and 6 - Children are introduced to the concept of rights (including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and how abuse violates their rights. They are asked to think of trusted adults that they can talk to about any issues they may face.

It is important to note that FGM is illegal and government office has procedures in place as a mandatory duty for staff in schools, to report FGM.

In dealing with FGM it is important to be alert to the following key indicators:

  • A child’s family comes from a community that is known to practise FGM
  • A child may talk about a long holiday to a country where the practice is prevalent
  • A child may confide that she is to have a ‘special procedure’ or to attend a special occasion
  • A child may request help from a teacher of another adult

To find out more please visit the NSPCC website:

The Metropolitan Police guidance 'Safeguarding children from sexual violence, child sexual exploitation and harmful practices' can be found on the website of the National FGM Centre here: