KS2 SATS Results
In May 2023 Year 6 pupils were assessed in reading, writing, maths and SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). Pupils sit a formal test for these subjects, except for writing, which is assessed by our teachers. Pupils are considered to have met the ‘expected’ standard or to be working at ‘greater depth’ within the subject.
KS1 SATS Results
Pupils in Year 2 were assessed in reading, writing and maths. Pupils sit a maths and a reading test to reinforce teacher assessments/judgments.
Y1 Phonics Screening Check Results
Pupils in Year 1, were asked to read 40 words which were made of 20 ‘real’ words and 20 ‘nonsense’ words. Pupils are judged to have met the required standard if they are able to read 32 or more of the 40 words correctly.