Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
St Scholastica’s School

Prayer and Worship

“I asked my God and he did listen.” St Scholastica.

At St Scholastica’s, we are inspired by our patron saint in our prayer life. St Scholastica gave her whole heart and trust to God, we aim to be like her through our daily prayer and worship.

Prayer and worship are an integral part of our daily life. We pray together as a part of our class routine, we have weekly child-led collective worship, daily Examen’s and gather as a whole school for Mass and also have class Gospel assemblies and liturgies. 
Our approach to Collective Worship is summarised in the following policies
Throughout their time with us at St Scholastica's, children will learn a range of prayers as the move through the school. The most widely used prayers are shown below. More examples can be found in our Prayer Progression document below. 
Every week, a group of children in each class lead a collective worship session with their peers. Children reflect on gospel stories as well as lead prayers, songs and other chosen activities. The children select the Bible reading that they want their session to be focused upon. They may choose a text related to the liturgical calendar, their class saint or a theme they would like their class to reflect upon e.g friendship, honesty or forgiveness.
Throughout the year teachers and the Paplins will lead collective worship on different themes.
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After lunchtime, each class gathers in prayer with a visual focus and music to reflect on the actions of the day in the presence of our Lord.
Every day in October and May each class prays the rosary focusing on the Joyful, Luminous, Glorious, and Sorrowful Mysteries each week. Every child in the school was given a set of rosary beads to take home and instructions on saying the Rosary.
The Paplins led Rosary sessions in the morning for different classes. 
Our parish priest and other visiting priests came to our school to deliver the Sacrament of Reconciliation to Key stage 2 at least twice a year.
Each class from year 2 to year 6 have prayer journals. The children write prayers in their journals throughout the year about various different topics. Already this year. they have written about peace in the Ukraine, saving our planet and remembering people who have died durning the month of Novemeber. The children are encouraged to write prayers in their journal when they are feeling thankful or when they need God's guidance. Each child has decorated their prayer journal and they will take it with them throughout their journey at St Scholasticas.
Children have also been given a prayer journal to take home and they are encouraged to write in them throughout the year and also share their prayers with their families.
Throughout the year Mrs. Brierley presents gospel liturgies to the whole school. Parents are often invited to attend or respnd to the liturgies on class Dojo. Each class also reads from the Wednesday Word with their class and  it is lefton their prayer table for the children to read throughout the week.
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