Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
St Scholastica’s School


"Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations and algorithms: it is about understanding." - William Paul Thurston 

Our Vision for Maths 

By the end of primary school, children at St. Scholastica’s will become confident and fluent mathematicians who will be prepared for their future economic well-being. A mastery approach is used to teach mathematics at St. Scholastica’s to develop a deep and secure mathematical knowledge. We aim for all children to have a positive experience of maths through providing them with a concrete, pictorial abstract route to their learning. We create an environment where children can express ideas confidently and talk about the subject using mathematical language to develop fluency of number facts. We aspire for all children to reason, conjecture and apply their mathematics using the correct mathematical vocabulary to a range of different problem-solving situations including real life scenarios. This will empower them to be successful in navigating the challenges of their education and life after school in our fast-changing world.

How Maths is taught at Scholastica's:

At St Scholastica’s, our curriculum covers all the areas required in the National Curriculum. Through high-quality teaching, we develop the following essential characteristics of Maths:  

  • Number: Developing place value understanding, counting, comparing, and working with numbers fluently.
  • Calculation: Mastering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division methods with accuracy and efficiency.
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages: Understanding parts of a whole, equivalence, conversions, and practical applications.
  • Reasoning: Applying logical thinking to solve problems, justify answers, and identify patterns.
  • Algebra: Recognizing patterns, forming expressions, and solving simple equations.
  • Statistics: Collecting, organising, presenting, and interpreting data in various forms.
  • Geometry: Exploring shapes, properties, symmetry, position, direction, and measurement.

Maths is taught daily across the school using the mastery approach to drive the teaching and learning of mathematics. At St Scholastica’s, we apply the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach which develops deep understanding of maths by using hands-on resources (concrete), visual representations (pictorial), and abstract symbols (numbers and notations) from Reception to Year 6. Supported by White Rose Maths and North London Maths Hub, it ensures step-by-step mastery and builds connections between concepts.

White Rose Maths and North London Maths Hub CPD equips staff with effective teaching strategies, deepens subject knowledge, and builds confidence in delivering the curriculum. This enhances pupil outcomes, fosters consistent teaching approaches, and supports professional growth through collaboration and expertise sharing.

Being a Mathmatician at St Scholastica's means:

  • being fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics – having quick recall and application of knowledge
  • to be able to reason mathematically (justify, generalise and explain why)
  • showing independence and resilience when problem solving in maths
  • understanding you may have to try many times to find the correct answer or answers
  • having secure mathematical vocabulary so that you describe your thoughts and mathematical thinking
  • being able to work collaboratively, listening to others and finding a solution

Maths at Home

Number Blocks