Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
Come along and visit St Scholastica's! Remember, you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
St Scholastica’s School

Our Governors

Learn more about the individuals that make up our Governing Body.

Mr Royer Vidal

Foundation Governor - Chair

I work in the chemistry department of a school in central London as a laboratory Technician. There were a number of reasons why I decided to become a school governor. I was looking to volunteer as I wanted to put something back in to the community in which I grew up. I have a brother who has been a school governor. It was also at this time that my parish priest put a piece in the newsletter about the diocese needing school governors. It appealed to me so I applied. As one of the foundation governors I am appointed by the Diocese. I do believe that schools work best where the teachers and non-teaching staff respect the contribution that they bring to the school. As I work in a school, I hope to bring some of my experience to the governing body. The school is close enough that I can walk to it from home. The church that I attend is one of the parishes that send children here.

Davina Attara

Local Authority Governor - Vice Chair

My Name is Davina Attara and I am an LEA governor. I have been a governor for over 10 years and am very proud of the school and its continuous growth and achievements. I currently work within the banking and finance sector. I was inspired to become a governor, through my own experiences of going to school in the borough of Hackney, and believe every child deserves to be heard and to be given the best start in life. St Scholastica’s School is a great place to learn because of the wonderful close knit feeling it gives to the community and the children who go there.

Mrs Althea Marshall

Foundation Governor (On sabbatical)

My name is Althea. I have 4 children and I am a carer. I was born in Hackney, have always lived in Hackney, was educated in Hackney and worked in hackney for 15 years from the age of 14. My passion is working within my community. I became heavily involved in church activities for many years organizing fundraising events, jumble sales and day trips. I started a youth club, which operated for 4 years, for boys and girls because I wanted to create a safe space for the young people to call ‘their own’. I mixed playing games with their faith and workshops on how to stay safe in society and encouraged them to build on their strengths. As a foundation Governor, I have to make decisions in the interests of Catholic education in the Diocese as a whole. I believe that our faith plays a very important role in our daily lives and that we should encourage our young people & families to include their faith in education, decision making & mental wellbeing. Here at St. Scholastica’s, we have a RE Curriculum that is robust & inclusive from early years to KS2. Previously, I was a parent governor for 8 years. I strongly believe that being part of the school environment & showing interest in your child’s education is key to their learning & develops social strengths. It encourages them to be part of their community in one way or another.

Mrs Sandra Brierley


I have worked in education for over fifteen years and I am passionate about teaching and improving the life chances of children in my care. I am delighted to be appointed the Headteacher of St Scholastica’s. My aim is to ensure our children receive the very best education coupled with an enduring experience of their Catholic faith that remains with them throughout their lives. My passion for education comes from my own personal experience of great teachers and great teaching. I look forward to getting to know the school community, our children and their parents and maintaining good links between the school, governing body and parish.

Mr Nick Blackham

Staff Governor

My name is Nicholas Blackham and I am the Assistant Head at St Scholastica’s School. I am very proud to have been the teacher governor for 6 years. St Scholastica’s is a wonderful school with a fantastic ethos. That ethos can be found in every aspect of the school including the governing body. I am a governor because I want to ensure that each child gets the best education they possibly can. I have tried to ensure that the governing body is continually challenging school decisions, to ensure that every decision made is for the best of the pupils. We have come a very long way in the last 6 years. I am looking forward to helping the school achieve it’s goals in the coming years.

Fr Stewart Hasker

Foundation Governor - St. Scholastica’s Parish Priest

My name is Fr Stewart Hasker and I have been parish priest at St Scholastica's since September 2023. I was ordained 1996. Since then I have been involved in several Catholic primary and secondary schools across the Diocese of Westminster. I have extensive experience and I thoroughly enjoy working with children and young people. I am delighted to have such lovely and vibrant parish school next to the church. A school community is at its best when the school works in partnership with the parish and families. I look forward to my role as a Foundation Govenor in building up the community of on God in this place.

Ms Christina Boey

Foundation Governor

I am a senior lawyer at an investment bank and sit on several governance committees at work. I would like to use my skills and experience gained throughout my 18-year legal career to compliment the strengths of my fellow governors at St Scholastica’s Catholic Primary School. I am grateful for the gift of education. Being taught by my teachers to read, learn, question, discover and think for myself have opened many doors and given me the many blessings I enjoy. I believe anyone can play their part in building a better future for our children and being a school governor is one way I can share the joy of having received education. I became a Catholic in my adult years and my journey of discovering Christianity continues. I cannot think of a better way to embark on this lifelong adventure than to be at God’s service as a foundation governor and a channel of His love.

Ms Natasha Vock Betton

Foundation Governor

I am an experienced Religious Studies teacher with over ten years of teaching experience. I am currently serving as an assistant principal for a Federation of schools. Having attended and taught at Catholic schools previously, I understand the benefits that education can bring to children, offering them opportunities to broaden their horizons and career aspirations. I am passionate about the ethos of belonging and caring for others that our school teaches, which further enhances and encourages our pupils to grow up to be responsible and compassionate individuals.

Ms Elaine Radburn

Foundation Governor

I am senior comms manager in central government. I have lived in Clapton all my life and I am the proud mum of two young men who have had the gift of a wonderful Catholic education. I can’t think of many things more important or powerful than education, it is a child’s passport to their future and tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Together with my fellow governors we have an important role in helping to set the school's vision, ethos and strategic direction, holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. It’s a privilege to be a part of the governing body, serve the school and see the children learn, flourish and be happy!

Mrs Roseline Fadaini

Foundation Governor

My name is Roseline Fadaini I am currently working with the LEA and a practicing Catholic at St. Scholastica’s Catholic Church. I have the passion and determination to support and work in the benefit of the children and young people within the school community so that they are able to access and reach their full potential. I look forward to collaborating with other school governors and working towards the betterment of the school values.

Ms Audrey Ngouadje

Foundation Governor

Individuals and society benefit from education. As a Foundation Governor I have the opportunity to ensure the clarity of vision and ethos of St Scholastica’s, oversee its educational and financial performance and serve the community. Being Catholic myself and having studied in catholic schools, I am particularly thrilled to ensure the school's religious character is maintained and embedded in all aspects of school life to promote Religious Education and collective worship in the school. I leverage my experience within the banking and finance sector to contribute to strategic decisions and future direction of the school. I have a strong interest in education and enjoy feeling part of a team who is working to help the school and children grow and develop.

Ms Marsha Molineaux

Parent Governor

Ms Niccola Charles

Parent Governor