Come along and visit our school. Remember you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
Come along and visit our school. Remember you do not need to be a Catholic to attend our school. We welcome children and families of all of faiths and none.
St Scholastica’s School

Secondary Transfer

Applications for secondary schools are made in the first half of the autumn term of the year in which a child is in Year 6. The majority of secondary schools hold their open days in late September and early October.

Hackney Education have a website with all of the information you need. Please click here.

Parents fill in an online application. Please click here for the website.

We hold an annual meeting for parents of our older pupils to talk through the process of establishing preferences for schools and applying for secondary admission. The Head Teacher is also happy to provide further advice to individuals where this may be helpful.

The local authorities in the neighbourhood are part of the pan-London co-ordinated admissions system, which enables parents to apply to state-funded schools in several boroughs should they wish to do so. Applications for up to six schools are made via the local authority in which a child is normally resident. Local authorities and schools publish clear admission criteria and also offer advice sessions for parents.

Parents applying to Catholic secondary schools also need to ensure that they complete these school's Supplementary Information Form and return them directly to the schools themselves (you can get these direct from the school or download it from the secondary school website, the address of which you can find in the Diocese booklet Choosing a Catholic Secondary School).
Choosing a Catholic Secondary School Booklet

We have close links with our local secondary schools. The Year 6 teacher and other members of staff liaise with staff from the receiving schools and spend time preparing the children themselves to ensure that transition is as smooth as possible. Secondary Schools also visit our school to answer any questions that the children might have.

Pupils with and Education, Health & Care Plan
Pupils with an Education, Health & Care Plan do not apply using the system set out in this Prospectus. Instead, transfer to Secondary school is dealt with by the SEN department at your local authority. The SENCo will discuss this process with you at your child’s Year 5 annual review if this applies to your child.