Over the years, we as a school community have supported many different charities locally, nationally and across the world including CAFOD, Save the Children, Catholic Children Society and many more. We have had held events ranging from cake sales, to dress up days, to our Lenten fundraising.
We continue to aim to stretch our awareness and time to ensure we as a school support those that are most vulnerable in our world. We are continually ensuring our children are developing their understanding of the responsibility that has been placed upon us to do what we can to show our support of and solidarity with all members of God’s family.
Mitzvah Day International is an annual day of faith-based social action that takes place in November each year. The event is supported by many children from both Catholic and Jewish schools in the area. Our Year 6 children packed bags full of winter essentials for homeless people in London. The bags included hats, socks, gloves, toothbrushes and toothpaste and information. It was also a great opportunity to work alongside the Jewish community with the common goal of helping others.
Every Advent, each class creates a kindness Advent calendar to spread kindness around our school community and prepare us for the coming of the Lord Jesus. During our Advent day celebrations, the children make the calendar with daily challenges and then each day they spread a little kindness around our school. Advent calendars carry an underlying spiritual message of anticipation and hope by helping us remember and reflect on the coming of Jesus Christ.
Every year we support Save The Children charity by taking part in their annual Christmas Jumper Day! Save the Children movement operates in 117 countries around the world, providing unique care and attention to children based on their specific needs. It helps vulnerable children both nationally and internationally. Our pupils learn a little about the charity and come to school dressed in their Christmas jumpers eager to help those in need like Jesus did. Check out this website to learn a little about the people helped by the money we raised: https://stories.savethechildren.org.uk/
St Scholastica’s has a long history of supporting CAFOD the Catholic Agency For Overseas Development. Within our Come and See lessons, the Universal Church topic in the Summer Term, is dedicated to exploring and understanding the work of CAFOD and how this relates to Church teaching and Scripture.
Lent is a special time for almsgiving and we were delighted to join the CAFOD challenge to ‘Walk for Water’ to raise money for those who do not have access to clean and safe water. CAFOD asked that we walk to unite in solidarity with people like Abdul, Mohammed and their cousin Abdella who spends 10 hours each day collecting water for his family. The children were delighted to actively take part and also raise vital funds for people all around the world just like Abdul. Through our almsgiving in Lent we feel closer to God.
‘But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.’-Job 12 7-10
Our Green Team are responsible for ensuring that we are looking after the earth and our ambassadors for sustainability throughout our school. Wherever possible we reuse, reduce, recycle. Our Green team work to ensure that these beliefs are carried through every class.
The Green Team are responsible for delivering assemblies on sustainability, being aware and taking responsibility for the energy we use, monitoring recycling usage in classrooms and encouraging children to walk to school using travel tracker to record.
Our focus local charity is St Joseph's Hospice. We believe that their mission of care and compassion and catholic ethos aligns with our school. We believe that through the giving of our time throughout the year we will grow closer to God and spread his message in our community. Each one of us has a special gift that can be of use in God’s work.
In Pope Francis’ encyclical letter ‘Laudato Si’: Care for our common home’, he asks us to be ecological citizens; to come together to deepen our commitment to protect the goodness and beauty of God’s great gift. In order to learn about the effects of recycling and plastic pollution on our planet we had a school protect called ‘Reborn’. We learnt about the effects of pollution and created artwork from recyclable materials. We are committed to protecting our common home.